Home Security Systems in Brighton Marina
Need a Home Security Systems in Brighton Marina ? Then call us now. We offer a fast, affordable service
that we guarantee you will be pleased with. Our technicians are all
highly trained and have thorough product knowledge.
Need a Home Security System in Brighton Marina ?
Of course, we know how daunting it is to make a decision, so here are
some of the more common questions we get asked, together with the answers.
What are the different types of security system that you install?
Wired Burglar Alarm
You could either choose wireless burglar alarm or a wired system depending
on specific requirements. There are quite a few benefits and shortcomings
in both these forms of alarms and it is therefore important to have
some basic information on the same. The wired alarm system is the
conventional form of alarm system. It usually comes with a control
panel which is wired into the main power supply source of the home.
The user controls of these wired systems are built either on the control
panel or there could be a separate remote controlled device to activate
it. It will also require separate controlling mechanisms in the form
of keypad for passing instructions to and from the control panel.
Wireless Alarms
The wireless burglar alarms are growing in popularity because of some
obvious advantages over the conventional wires alarms. Of the many
advantages associated with this alarm system, ease of installation
and operation is something that makes them so very much sought after.
The wiry mess associated with the conventional alarm systems can be
avoided. They also work with the help of a control panel which should
be connected to the main power supply with the help of a wire. Though
battery operated wireless burglar alarms are available they should
be avoided because they have very little durability and longevity.
While a keypad is required for these types of burglar alarm systems,
it is not connected to and from the main control by wires. Instead
it is operated by sensors which have no wiring systems. This makes
is possible to increase the efficiency and ease of operations.
Bells-Only Burglar System
Bells only burglar alarm systems are also quite commonly used. They
are also called as audible alarms. When they are triggered they make
a loud noise which will in most cases alert the people who are in
the homes or in the places where they are installed. However, it will
not work as a monitored alarm system. It will not be able to alert
the police station or the person who wants to be alerted.
The area in which you live in will have a big role to play in deciding
whether you go in for bell only system or not. It will work better
in areas that are crowded where any such alarm trigger will activate
the neighbors or the other persons in the area.
How do your alarm systems work?
Before buying these burglar alarms it is very important for you to
understand how they work. They usually work in two situations and
it would be interesting to know more about the same over the next
few lines.
There are systems which get activated when some unusual action is
detected. This type of system works by tripping when any unusual action
is noticed. This sets off an alarm which can either drive away the
intruder or allow the inmates to take action to pin down the intruder.
On the other hand there is another system which works by breaking
the circuit.This again gets activated when someone physically breaks
the circuit by either setting their foot or hand into it or through
some other action.
Both the systems have their own advantages and the onus should be
left to the customer to choose the one that meets his specific requirements.
What are the components of your alarm systems?
Now let us have a look at the key components that help in complete
the entire burglar systems and make it ready for use.
· Magnetic switch –these are perhaps the most common
devices that are used to activate a burglar alarm system. They have
two important parts, i.e. the contact switch and an activated magnet.
The latter is usually mounted on the door. When the door is closed
the magnet remains in a non-active mode. But the moment somebody tries
to open it, they get into an active mode. They are tried and tested
method of securing homes and other premises from burglars and other
unwanted intruders.
· Passive Infrared Sensors (PIR) – PIRs work because
of a very sophisticated infrared technology in play. They work because
of changes in energy or infrared levels that could be caused by any
intruders or unwanted visitors. They are referred to as PIRs because
they do not transmit any form of energy. However, when a person moves
around and the body temperature is picked up the PIR device, it helps
to send a signal back to the main device. This in turn results in
the Passive Infrared Sensors getting activated which sets off the
alarm system.
· Ultrasonic detectors – These detectors are again very
sophisticated as far as use of technology is concerned. They have
a number of applications and very commonly used in modern day burglar
systems. They work on radio waves and sound waves to activate alarm
systems. They are also referred to as transreceivers because they
perform the job of sending and receiving sound signals. They come
in various frequencies ranging from 23 to 40 kHZ. The sound waves
work depending on the movement that occurs in the protected area.
Should there be a change in the movement in the protected area, there
will be a change in the sound frequency. This activates the alarm
system and prevents any damage being done to the protected area.
· Photo electric beams are also considered very effective in
protecting a specific area from unwanted intruders. They work by transmitting
infrared or visible beams across a specific area, whenever is an intruder
or unusual activity. The beams are increased in strength by increasing
the number of beams to two or even more.
While it is quite useful, if the intruder is aware of the technology
being used, it might not work and he can bypass this device. It is
useful only for short distance monitoring and may prove to be not
very useful when long range monitoring of movements are to be monitored.
· Glass Break Beams – These devices are very useful whenever
there is a need to protect a building depending on its internal perimeters.
Whenever glass breakage happens these devices produce shock frequencies.
They help in generating a shock frequency that is good enough to raise
an alarm. The vibration that is generated by the glass break will
have a role to play in the alarm systems being activated.
· Vibration Detectors are another common devices used to secure
high risk zones. These are mounted on barriers. Whenever an attack
on the barrier happens a mechanical configuration gets activated.
The instability that is caused by the attack on the barrier results
in the stoppage of the current flow. This in turn sets off the alarm
system. They are available in different models and can be sensitive
to different levels and types of vibration to the main structure or
· The Automatic Telephone Dialer is another commonly used safety
device. It has the ability to auto dial specific numbers without manual
intervention. When it is in active mode, it starts dialing the numbers
fed into it in sequential order. The recorded message is also uploaded
to each of these dialed numbers. The best thing about this device
is that it does not require a dedicated telephone line. It can be
used with the help of a built in electronic chip or a cassette can
also be used for recording the message.
· Panic Alarms – These are basically manually activated
devices which can be put to use whenever there is an emergency. They
can either be used to activate loud alarms or even silent alarms.
When using this device, care should be taken that the intruders are
not warned in advance. You can also choose the option of linking this
device to an ATR or automatic telephone dialer. When this is done,
it helps send a recorded message to the chosen number or numbers.
· Security or automatic lights are another useful device which
can help in securing premises from unwanted intruders. They work by
switching on the lights whenever there is an unwanted intrusion in
the protected area. They work on a technology called PIR or photosensitive
sensors. These PIRs can easily be connected to security lights. When
the lights get switched on, it could send a message that his presence
has been identified by the inmates in the premises.
· Smoke, fire and carbon monoxide detectors are not exactly
burglar alarms in the true sense of the term. They are very useful
for preventing fire and the emission of harmful and potential dangerous
gaseous substances. These devices work with the help of very sensitive
sensors which pick up even the slightest movement of smoke, fire and
poisonous gases like carbon monoxide.They set off an alarm in the
central monitoring area.
Control Panels
The central control panels are considered the brain as far as these
burglar alarm and smoke alarm systems are concerned. They come in
different types and could have hooters or sirens when a particular
extraordinary event occurs. They can work with the help of conventional
sensors or come with unique and special detecting sensors for complex
and difficult jobs such as auto dialing, sending pre-recorded message
and also giving details about the place, time and location where the
intrusion or abnormal activity has taken place.
Arming And Disarming System
It is also important to have some understanding of the basic difference
between arming and disarming a burglar alarm system. In plain and
simple works, while arming is about activating the system, disarming
is deactivating or switching off the alarm system. It can be activated
or turned off by the mere pressing of a switch or by choosing the
right keyword activation instructions. In advanced systems it can
be done with the help of Radio Frequency remote control systems.
Power Backup
It is important to ensure that all burglar alarms and other integrated
systems have a sufficient of backup power in case they need to be
operated on batteries. Even there is a small disruption in the main
source of power, the backup power systems should be able to take charge
immediately so that real time protection is not hampered under any
It also makes sense to understand the term ‘zones’ which
is very commonly used in burglar alarm terminology. It is nothing
but the area or the total number of sensors that are required to protect
an area. They are basically classified into four, i.e. Zone 1 to Zone
4. The first zone is about the delay aspect. It usually refers to
the doors where more of the entrance and exiting takes place.
Zone 2 is about instant perimeter which would include other things
apart from doors.The master bedroom or the backroom doors are simple
examples of these instant perimeters. Zone 3 and 4 deal with the interiors
of the area that need to be protected.
Monitoring Burglar Alarm Systems
You need to take into account three areas if you wish to have your
burglar alarms monitored. They are a speech dialer, a police contract
or a keyholder contract. Each one has its own advantages and benefits
and they also come with different types of charges, monthly and one-time.
How Do I Choose The Right Home Security Systems in Brighton Marina Installer ?
Whenever one decides to go in for a suitable alarm installer, they
should keep in mind that the alarm system confers with the stringent
stipulations laid down by the various statutory monitoring and standards
authorities. There are some reputed inspection and approval authorities
in UK whose standards have to be met. There are also some approved
British standards that have to also be taken into account.
Last but not the least, when going for a foolproof alarm system the
following points should be taken into account.
· Window Security:It is important to ensure that the windows
are fully secured because this is a common area through which burglars
and robbers try to break in.
· Door Security –This is perhaps the crux as far as a
good and foolproof security system is concerned. One has to ensure
that the doors are fully secured with the right kind of alarm system
that is proven and totally foolproof.
· Having the right security lights which will get activated
when some untoward happens is also very important. This calls for
a clear understanding of the protection area and the type of lighting
systems that should be used.
· If you have a garden, then it all the more important to have
adequate protection to it because this is the most common area where
burglars and other criminals hide before and after the happening of
an event.
· Last but not the least, choosing the right CCTV camera location
is of paramount importance because they could help in real time monitoring
of the entire protected area. They can also help in sending messages
or calls should something untoward be taking place.
If you are looking for Home Security Systems in Brighton Marina , give us a call. You won't be disappointed!